prepare For your medicine entry tests

Learn biology, chemistry and physics at AS and A-Level

Your Course to Success

Improve your knowledge in biology, chemistry and physics

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 Our quizzes are based on questions used from different medicine universities over the last years

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Are you preparing for a medicine entry Exam?

Our courses are focused on reaching the A-Levels in biology, chemistry and physics. Engage with relevant literature, watch video explanations and test yourself with hundreds of questions used by medicine universities for the tests.

No entry exam or you're already Familiar with the subjects?

Biology, chemistry and physics are crucial subjects for a strong start to your medicine study. Even if you’ve already taken these courses in high school, our content gives you the revision needed to start your studies ahead of the curve.

You can enroll in one of the 3 courses, or sign up for a membership and have access to all 3 courses. 

As a member of our eLearning community you’ll receive a 10% discount for your purchase.


Our Company & Partners

Apply to study in Europe

If you need help in applying for medicine in the EU, contact our partner MCV.Vermittlung. With over a decade of experience, they’ll get you through the entire application and enrollment process with ease.